Sally Nugent*

34 year old female, referred to an allergy clinic in 2009

People don’t know about this treatment (immunotherapy). I recommend it to all my friends with hay fever and tell them to ask their GPs, but there are not many centres offering this treatment. I was very lucky.

Sally Nugent*

34 year old female, referred to an allergy clinic in 2009


34 year old female has suffered from mild asthma since early childhood. Her hay fever started in 2005. Between the months of May to August she complained of blocked, runny, itchy nose; itchy, runny eyes; itchy skin and exacerbation of her asthma.

She was treated by her GP with regular antihistamines, eye drops and steroid nasal spray. Her symptoms progressively got worse and as a result her professional and personal life suffered.


In 2009 her GP referred her an Allergy Centre, where she was reviewed by an Allergist. Her clinical history and test results confirmed grass pollen allergy. In view of the severity of her symptoms and poor response to standard therapy she was suggested a treatment of grass pollen specific immunotherapy.

She started her treatment in February 2010. This involved an injection into her upper arm at weekly intervals for 4 weeks. The only side effect experienced was localised swelling of her upper arm, which always subsided within 24 hours.


She saw great improvement in her symptoms after just 1 course of specific immunotherapy. In fact the only medication she now requires to control her hay fever is antihistamines. She has now commenced her second year of treatment and hopes to see continued improvement in her hay fever symptoms.

Sally Nugent*

She saw great improvement in her symptoms after just 1 course of specific immunotherapy.

Liam Fox*

After year three, he experienced a significant reduction in symptoms, just in time for his first exams.

Jerry Wagham*

Jerry* reported a very good season after year two, despite it being one of the highest pollen counts on record.

Tom Brennan*

The patient noticed a marked improvement in his symptoms having completed his first year of treatment.

Alice Temperley*

After her second year of treatment she experienced a significant reduction in symptoms.

What are allergies exactly?
Could you be a candidate for treatment?
The science behind the treatment

* To protect patient-doctor confidentiality, the case studies are anonymous and patient pictures are fictional.